Minggu, 13 Januari 2013

Translation 2



Subject                        :  Apostrophe
Semester          : 5 ( fifth)
Time                : 2 x 45 minutes
Lecturer           : Eko Mulyono, S.pd.
1.      Method/ strategy : to enable the students to study :
(1)   Learning Media :
a.       Asking the students to bring variety of poems. And then ask one of them to read the poem in front of the class as a model.
b.      Using LCD to present the material about apostrophe in a poem in order students can know how to use apostrophe in a poem.

(2)   Learning Strategy :
a.       The lectuer explains the material for about  15 minutes and asks the students to sit in a group and search apostrophe in a poem that they have brought before.
b.      Every students should find the apostrophe in each poem  and discuss the result in a group.
c.       After finishing the discussion, every group should present the data in front of the class based on discusion in each group.

(3)    Improving Thinking Ability
To delevop the students thinking ability, the lecturer give them a model of poem, he reads the poem and then give them question about apostrophe in the poem.
2.      Course Objective
-          For students to be able to incorporate an apostrophe in their own poem.
-          For students to be able to define and identify literary apostrophes in a poem.
-          For students to be able to write about how they use of apostrophe contributes to the creation of meaning in a poem of their own making.
  1. Course Steps :
1.     In the first lesson, the teacher gives greeting  to the students. Teacher (T) and student (S)
T : Asslammualaikum...wr.wb
S : Waalaikumsalam, wr.wb
T : hello class, how are you getting on?
S : I’m fine. And you?
T : I’m very well. Thank you.
T: ehm...Well, class. Before we start our lesson today, let’s open the meeting by reciting basmalah.
S : Bismillahirrahmanirrohiim......
2.      Asking the students to show  the poem that they have brought.
T : well... students. Do you bring the example of poem today? Please, show them.
S : (one of the students answer)Yes.. Mr.. This is mine.
T : that’s good. Does anybody bring the poem?
S : yeah, mr....
T : okey! good.

Ice Breaking
Asks the students what is their material last week? The lecturer choose one of them to answer the question. And then before he begins to open the lesson today, he asks the students listen the poem from a power point.
T : Didik, do you still remember what is our material last week?
S : ehm, yeah mr. Last week we studied about personification.
T : okey! Yeah, before we start our lesson, i have an example of poem which is title” “in power point and you may listen the poem first. After that i’ll give you question.
S : okey mr!
T : well, Endang how do you feel after you listen the poem.
S : ehm, i feel so great after listen the poem.
T : okey! And you Bayu, how do you feel               after listen the poem?
S: i feel happy
T : okey enough! Thank you.
Lead- In
 To make sure that the students understand the lecturers’ explanation. The lecturer  asked 5 students  to give questions are related to apostrophe.
S1 : me, Mr, what is apostrophe?
T : yeah bayu, good question. Before i answer question from Bayu. Who want to answer the question?
S2 : me, mr. In my opinion apostrophe is addressing someone absent or dead or something nonhuman as if that person or thing were present and alive and could reply to what is being said.
T: ok! Good answer from Dani. Is there another answer?
S3: me, mr. Apostrophe is Addressing a personified object as a living person. Not to get a response, but to express emotion.
T: ok! Good job. Is anything else? From other group maybe,
S4: yeah mr, i’ll answer question from Bayu. My answer, apostrophe is The use of strong word association changes the mode of thought and adds variation, embellishment and adornment to literary works.
T : yeah that the answer from dayu’s group. How about Awanda group? Can you answer the question?
S5: no, mr. I haven’t studied an apostrophe before.
T : ok! Well, based on the anwer in each geoup. I think all the answer is right. It’s excellent. Ok, here i have question for you all? How can we know the use of apostrophe?
S3: me, mr. We can know the use of apostrophe in literature especially in poen or prose.
T : Good. Give applause for Dani.
The lecturer opens PPt which have been prepared. He explains the use of apostrophe.
T : Today, we are going to study about apostrophe. ( while showing the PPt).
What is apostrophe?
To speak to a dead or absent person to an inanimate object or abstract idea.
Not to get a response, but to express emotion.
Bright star, how I wish I were as steadfast as though art!.
Hello darkness, my old friend. I’ve come to talk to you again.
Blue moon, you saw me standing alone
Without a dream in my heart
Without a love of my own
The lecturer asks the students to ask the question.
T : any question about our material? Please, raise your hand.  Or if you want to give another example maybe.
S : ( one of students raise his/her hand) Mr, I want to give another example.
T : yes, please. What is it?
S : i have an example of apostrophe ? here, Why don’t you ever work, you stupid computer.
T : That’s good. Give applause for her.
S : ( all of the students cleft their hand).
T : ditha, i see you busy today. What happen? Apostrophe is used in a poem. Is it correct?
S: yes, mr.

Controlled practice
 Asking the students to mke a group which consist of 5 students.
T : Make a group which consist of 5 students.
S : Yes, Mr.( the students sit based on the group).
T : Now, each of you search example of apostrophe in your poem. After that, discuss it in your group.
S : yes, Mr. ( the students begin to search apostrophe in their poem)
 The teacher evaluates what the students activity. ( group 1- group 8)
T : any problem? ( asked to group 1)
S : No.. Mr.
The teacher moves to another group.
T : what problem did you get?
S : Nothing Mr. We’re enjoy.
T : Okay..good. hmm...how about you? Third group?
S: mr, we have a problem. In this poem. It is not correlated to apostrophe. Is that so?
T : yeah, find another poem.
Semi-Controlled Practice
In this season, the lecturer asked each of students to give their apostrophe and analysis. The result is being discussed in group. Of course, they should make  conclusion of their discussion.
T: each of you should submit your apostrophe and analysis. After that, discuss it in your group. In the end, you should give the conclusion.
S : Yes, Mr.

Real-life practice
The lecturer asked one of group to come forward  in front of the class and discuss what have they discuss in grouping.
T : Now. This is time for you to show your result  to your friend in front of the class. First group.. welcome.
S :( the students from group 1 is coming). We’re from the first group, we would like to present our discussion about apostrophe in our poem. I’m  as the chair of group 1 will read the result.

Feed- back and closing
The lecturer asked about te students’ feeling, the opinion about the material, how to use in their real life and  giving the conclusion.
T : what’s your condition? Do you enjoy with our material today?
S : We’re Ok. Just so so Mr.
T : Well. What do you think about our material?
S : It’s not easy to find aostrophe in a poem mr.
T : How will you use the apostrophe?
S : We will use it in our life. Espesially in a poem. We often find there many apostrophes in a poem.
T : Nice answer. Well class... any body wants to give the conclusion about our material today.
S : ( one of students raise his hand). I want to give the conclusion about our material today. We studied about apostrophe. Apostrophe is to speak to a dead or absent person to an inanimate object or abstract idea.
Not to get a response, but to express emotion.
Bright star, how I wish I were as steadfast as though art!.
T : Good. Any body wants to add the conclusion?
S :  Enough Mr.
T : well... that’s right Apostrophe is to speak to a dead or absent person to an inanimate object or abstract idea. Not to get a response, but to express emotion. Ditha has given the example before. It means that you have understood about our material today. Ok! Because time is over let’s close our meeting by reciting hamdalah.
S : alhamdulillah....( all o the students while cleft their hands)
T : Thanks for your nice attetion. And  I say “ wasslamualaikum, wr.wb”. see you later
S : Waalaikumsalam,wr.wb