Minggu, 13 Januari 2013

PTK proposal


(An Undergraduate Thesis Proposal)


BY :



1.1  Problem Background
Education is one of word which important to know the meaning of it. Education is a way that must be done by the people to get knowledge. Now, education in Indonesia in bad situation. It can be seen from students’ achievement which every year always low, but this situation also begin with the educator self. So it must do effort to finish this problem. Based on section I of rule Minister Nationality Education RI No. 24, 2006 that :
Basic Education and medium organized can develop the curriculum with high quality of Contain Standard how was arranged in of rule Minister Nationality Education number 22, 2006 about Standard Contain to basic Education and Medium organized and graduate competence Standard have arrange in of rule Minister Nationality Education number 23, 2006 about it.
In every learning activities increasing Standard Graduate competent, however have effort by educator as hope can as realized the increasing student quality which competence. As activities in learning English which become one of some lesson in the school to do the test in final exam and it is need especial notice to increase the graduate Standard competence because English is very important to be learnt. People can get some advantages when they learn English. One of them is able to speak well and can read the direction when we lost away in people country.

In KTSP said that the student in class VIII will be studied fourth basic competence in English, they are listening, reading, writing, and speaking. Determining standard higher must be able to become more spirit to get better value.  But the phenomena that happen in SMP N 1 Pekalongan class VIII, the student is still difficult to get the point when they listen the material. So the rank which their got not suitable with the begin hope.
Based on the problem above the condition that happen are the student are difficult to return write what they listened, the student get the difficulty to answer the question based on the native speaker and they still difficult to understand the material. This research is supported by research from school Supervisor in SMP N 1 Pekalongan class VIII like this.
       Table 1.1 evaluation data in SMP N 1 Pekalongan class VIII
Under low
       Source : Result test of SMP N 1 Pekalongan
Based on out to listening ability that students who got high is 15%, Medium is 45%, Low is 15% and the last Under Low is 25%. For Reading comprehension and Vocabulary mastery in term of noun, the students who get high is 55%, Medium is 30%, Low is 15% and under low is 0%.
Upon arranged essay student can’t solve problem aright, difficulties that experienced by student which in trifling batting average assets down subject, say job, fitted out right.
Learn difficulties to be regarded by a lot of factor. Factor that regard studying difficulties can be agglomerated deep two categories which is intern’s external and factors. External factor is difficulties factor study that stemmed from outside individual, meanwhile factor intern is difficulties causative factor study that stemmed from within individual.

1.2  Problem Identification
Here the researcher find the problem and identify from students listening ability. They are still difficult for listening word or sentence clearly and appropriate. So, they don’t get the point the material well.

1.3  Problem Limitation
According to the problem identification above the research will limit the problems. It is The Increasing Of Students  Listening  Ability Through Audio Lingual Method At Eight Grade Of SMP N 1 Pekalongan Odd Semester Academic Year 2012/2013.

1.4  Problem Formulation
The researcher will limit the problem which will be done, as follows:
1)             How to plan an instructional using Audio Lingual method?
2)             How to execute instructional using Audio Lingual method?
3)             How to evaluate instructional using Audio Lingual method?
4)             How to describe the increasing of students listening ability?

1.5  Research Objective
The specific objectives of the research are:
1)             To describe instructional planning using Audio Lingual method.
2)             To describe the execution of instructional using Audio Lingual method.
3)             To describe the evaluation of instructional using Audio Lingual method.
4)             To describe the increasing of students listening ability using Audio Lingual method.

1.6  Research Scope
That research that is done doesn’t deviate of the intended, therefore writer draw the line research scope for example:
1)        The subject of this research is SMP N 1 Pekalongan class VIII school years 2012/2013.
2)        This observational object is the low in students Listening ability.
3)        The observation place is SMP N 1 Pekalongan class VIII
4)        The material Listening ability is conversation.

1.7  Research Benefit
Developing learning models that are effective, efficient, and which can involve students actively in the process of learning English to improve their communicative competence. Beside that it also can help improving / enhancing the teaching and learning processes and outcomes. Help improve the quality of teacher professionalism as an educator. Improving students' ability to understand and respond to meaning in simple short conversation for listening skill. Through Audio Lingual Method learning model helps improve learning English in SMP N 1 Pekalongan.    .

                                  CHAPTER II

2.1 Previous Research Overview
Using contrastive The Audio-lingual Method, also known as the aural oral, Functional skills, new key or American method of language teaching was considered a “scientific” approach in language teaching (Lado in Omaggio, CA,1986:61)
According to Bushra Noori (www. yementimes. Com / article. shtml? education) the last four decades of the 29th century witnessed a phenomenal
increase in global communication. Many people, across the world, showed an
intense and abiding interest in modern languages. Dissatisfaction with the traditional methods, their validity, and adequacy, especially with their treatment of spoken language led to the birth of the Audio-lingual method which is based on the aural-oral approach. It put accent on the acquisition of oral language skills through oral practice based on repetition and analogy.

Meanwhile, Brown (1994:57) also enumerates the principles of the Audiolingual method are as follows: (1) New material is presented in dialog form. (2)There is dependence on mimicry, memorization of set phrases, and over learning. (3) Structures are sequenced by means of contrastive analysis and taught one at time. (4) Structural patterns are taught using repetitive drills (5) There is little or no grammatical explanation. Grammar is taught by inductive analogy rather than deductive explanation (6) Vocabulary is strictly limited and learned in context. (7) There is much use of tapes, language labs, and visual aids. (8) Great importance is attached to pronunciation (9) Very little use of the mother tongue by teachers is permitted (10) Successful responses are immediately reinforced (11) There is great effort to get students to produce error-free utterances (12) There is tendency to manipulate language and disregard content.

2.2 Theoretical Review
2.2.1 Concept of Listening Ability
Listening achievement is viewed theoretically as an active process in which individuals focus on selected aspects of aural input, construct meaning from passages and related what they hear to existing knowledge. Listening achievement is also important for the students because through listening activity, they carp practice how to get ideas from the speaker systematically and to communicate with the others. Moreover, supporting the above explanation listening is started at curriculum of senior high school ( in competence based curriculum all grades) as a compulsory thing that need to be achieved  students during their English learning at senior high school level. Nevertheless, in fact the ability of senior high school students in listening it’s all know still far from the objective stated in curriculum and many senior high school graduates have difficulty in listening.
This condition is relevant with Rismanlidin’s (1996) statement, he said that even though the students have learn English in years, they still find difficulties to get the ideas in proper words and sentence. Hence, many problems still can be found in teaching listening. Many students had difficulty in getting ideas on their mind,  that they are too worried in making some errors on their listening which cause them to be reluctant to listen. This theoretical view has not been sufficiently supported by direct research which clarifies what listeners actually do while engaged in listening task. Setiyadi A.(2007),said that listening is more than merely hearing the spoken language. Rather is an active process involving listeners integrated skills such as constructing meaning from the text they will hear, checking title information with the existing knowledge and responding the meaning either verbally or non verbally.
The importance of listening could be seen from Oliver’s statement (1962:227) he said that some studies indicate that we spent about 9% of our communication time writing, 16% speaking, and 45%  listening. Concerning the statement above, it can be intended that listening has largest proportion in communication than another skill. In teaching learning, the teacher always involves listening  directly because when the teacher speak and read in class the student will listen too or try to understand what the teacher says. However, listening is not able to absolutely be separated from those who acquire a foreign language for the importance of listening, the proportion of skills must be emphasized on listening because a listener must listen something before he or she speaks.
Based on the statement above, the researcher is able to conclude that listening ability is essential in the workplace, the family and the community at large. Careers in communications, management, planning, sales, and fund raising, to name a few, rely on good listening skills. Listening, however, is more than just being able to hear and understand what someone else says. Listening skills involve etiquette, asking for clarification, showing empathy and providing an appropriate response.

2.2.2 Concept of Audio Lingual Method
The Audio-Lingual Method (or the Aural-Oral Method) focuses on listening to language models and acting in everyday situations. Learners are given short dialogs to memorize from the tape and to present them as accurately as possible. Students practice patterns of language and drill them until response becomes automatic. This method if appropriately combined with CLT and CBI methods can effectively improve language skills.
The Audio-Lingual method of teaching English as a second language had its origins during World War II when it became known as the Army method.  It was developed as a reaction to the grammar-translation method of teaching foreign languages.  Grammar-translation had been used to teach for thousands of years, but the method was perceived as taking too long for learners to be able to speak in the target language.  The Audio-Lingual method set out to achieve quick communicative competence through innovative methods.  From about 1947-1967 the Audio-Lingual approach was the dominant foreign language teaching method in the United States.  
 The Audio-Lingual method is based on the theory that language learning is a question of habit formation.  It has its origins in Skinner’s principles of behavior theory.  Since learning is thought to be a question of habit formation,  errors are considered to be bad and to be avoided.  Further, teachers “reward” students by saying “Good!” and praising the class when they perform well.

The Audio-Lingual method addresses a need for people to learn foreign languages rapidly.  It is best for beginning level English classes in a foreign language setting.  All instruction in the class are given in English. A dialog is presented for memorization.  The teacher asks the class to repeat each line of the dialog.  Expansion drills are used for difficult sentences.  The teacher starts with the end of the sentence and the class repeats just two words.  A series of pattern practice drills then follow the introduction of
the dialog.
One of the key principles of the Audio-Lingual method is that the language teacher should provide students with a native-speaker-like model.  By listening, students are expected to be able to mimic the model. Based upon contrastive analyses, students are drilled in pronunciation of words that are most dissimilar between the target language and the first language. Grammar is not taught directly by rule memorization, but by examples.  The method presumes that second language learning is very much like first language learning.

2.2.3        Technique of Audio Lingual  Method
Larsen-Freeman, (2000:45-50) provides expanded descriptions of some common or typical techniques closely associated with the Audio lingual Method.
The listing here are as follows:

1) Dialogue memorization
Students memorize an opening dialogue using mimicry and applied role
2) Backward Build-up (Expansion Drill)
Teacher breaks a line into several parts; students repeat each part starting at the end of the sentence and “expanding” backwards through the sentence, adding each part in sequence.
3) Repetition drill
Students repeat teacher’s model as quickly and accurately as possible.
4) Chain drill
Students ask and answer each other one by one in a circular chain around the classroom.
5) Single-slot Substitution drill
Teacher states a line from the dialogue, and then uses a word or phrase as a “cue” that students, when repeating the line, must substitute into the sentence in the correct place.
6) Multiple-slot Substitution drill
Same as the single slot drill, except that there are multiple cues to be substituted into the line.
7) Transformation drill
Teacher provides a sentence that must be turned into something else, for example a question to be turned into a statement, an active sentence to be turned into negative statement, etc.
8) Question and Answer drill
Students should answer or ask questions very quickly.
9) Use Minimal Pairs
Analysis, teacher selects a pair of words that sound identical except for a single sound that typically poses difficulty for the learners-students are to pronounce and differentiate the two words.
10) Complete the dialogue
Selected words are erased from a line in the dialogue-students must find and Insert.
11) Grammar games
Various games designed to practice a grammar point in context, using lots of repetition

2.2.4        Treatment
Increasing students ability in listening ability through audio lingual method can be treatment by follow the steps. For the first step is Exploration. In this  case the teacher enters the classroom and giving greeting to the students. Then, the teacher gives explanation about the material. After that, the teacher gives example about the material through the model and picture. Then, the teacher ask to the students for listening the dialogue carefully. Then, the teacher repeat the dialogue. After finish, the teacher ask the students to mention of the content of dialogue. So, the students mention the content of the dialogue. After that, the teacher asks the students to write the sentences which they heard. The teacher asks to the students for pronouncing the dialogue together. The second step is Elaboration. In this step the teacher asks to the student for making a pairs. Then, the teacher distributes the picture. Then, that pairs should listen what the teacher said based on the picture and they should write it down. After finish they will discuss the picture and the simple descriptive text. They should make example to expression of asking and giving opinion. The last the students should practice in front of the class by pairing. The last step is confirmation. In this case the teacher asks to the students about the difficult materials and their comprehension about the material. Finally, the teacher gives the formative test after the activities in the cycle.

2.3  Thinking Framework
The writer draws the thinking framework such as:
The method presumes that second language learning is very much like first language learning. Audio Lingual Method is a technique which can increase students Listening Ability. They can easy to remember and understand the material by using the method.
Rounded Rectangle: Student’s Listening AbilityRounded Rectangle: Audio Lingual Method                                         

2.3.1        The increasing of Listening Ability through Audio Lingual Method

 Listening, it is an active, complex process that includes being mindful, physically receiving messages, selecting and organizing information, interpreting communication, responding, and remembering. To listen effectively, we use not only our ears, but also our eyes and hearts.
One of the key principles of the Audio-Lingual method is that the language teacher should provide students with a native-speaker-like model.  By listening, students are expected to be able to mimic the model. Based upon contrastive analyses, students are drilled in pronunciation of words that are most dissimilar between the target language and the first language. Grammar is not taught directly by rule memorization, but by examples.  The method presumes that second language learning is very much like first language learning.


3.1 Research Design
Research design that will be use in this research is the true action research. This research will use descriptive design. Descriptive designs are designed to gain more information about a particular characteristic within a particular field of study. The approach used in this research is qualitative approach.
In qualitative research the aim of this research is to determine the students ability in listening ability using one method, it is Audio lingual method. The qualitative of this research design are either listening ability (subject usually measure once) or action research class. The research is designed as classroom action research which is intended to solve the particular problem confronted by the teacher in the teaching and learning process, especially in the teaching of listening.
Burns (1999:24) estates that a major focus of action research is on concrete and practical issues of immediate concern to particular social groups or communities. Based on the statements above, classroom action research is research that is held by the teacher in the class and school where he/she teaches by finishing or improving the process and teaching practices.
Classroom action research design is suitable as the research design in this study because the researcher is an English teacher who often find some problem when teaching that face the students in mastering the lessons especially English lesson. The researcher find that the students are often find the students getting difficulties in listening ability. It is a serious problem for the researcher as a teacher candidate to solve the problem. It is in line with the basic point of the classroom action research that is to propose a strategy, technique, or media in the teaching and learning process to overcome the students’ problem in mastering a particular subject and increasing their listening ability.

3.2    Research Subject
The subject of this research is conducted at SMP N 1 Pekalongan, East Lampung at the eight grade. There are three English teacher teaching at SMP NEGERI 1 Pekalongan, East Lampung. In year academic 2012/2013 this school has 18 classes: 6 class for Grade VII, 6 class for grade VIII, and 6 class for grade IX.
The researcher choose this school as a research field because the researcher saw that there is a problem in most of students at the eighth grade of SMP N I Pekalongan, East Lampung, especially the students Listening Ability. The researcher would like to follow up the result of the preliminary study which becomes the basic problem of the study.
In this research, the researcher does the research in one class. In this case, the researcher choose grade VIII 3 that consist of 33 students to be the subject of the research. The researcher chooses this class because she has several considerations as follows: 1) based on the result of the preliminary study will be conducted show that the students’ listening ability is low. The students in that school only get 60.55 on the average, whereas, the criteria of the learning is 70. There are 33 students, and there are 20 students or 58.3% failed from listening ability test while there are 13 students or 41.7% passed from listening Ability. The minimum standard score (Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal/KKM) is 70. 2) The researcher chooses short conversation as one of listening test of the research. 3) The students will learn descriptive on short conversation on the preliminary test for their listening ability still need to improve.
3.3     Criteria of Success
In this sub-chapter, to make the research be success, the researcher conducts some criteria. Criteria of success is a learning strategy which developed by the steps, trying, evaluating, and revising for the next cycle. It is a problem solving or raising the target of learning quality. The important thing in this action research is the innovative learning strategy without disregard the problem solving or raising the learning quality. The study is designed to determine whether the students’ listening ability through audio lingual method. The researcher focused on how to understanding the conversation and text  and how to make the students easy to remember what they heard, and the researcher focused on how to make the students can understand the conversation quickly to arrange the random paragraph. It is design to determine whether the action in cycle 1 is already successful.
The Criteria of success also be used to indentify something which still needed to revise action in the next cycle. In this case, the criteria of success is to established by two criteria: 1) At least there are 77% of students actively involved in learning process by using audio lingual method. That is observed by an observation short conversation. 2) The students’ score be more high. They can get 75.00 of the range from the target score in KKM about. Whereas as the research stated that the minimum passing (KKM) is 63.00 so it shows that there is a positive result in using audio lingual method.
3.4     Steps of Classroom Action Research
The writer draws the steps of classroom action research as follow:


Figure Research Procedure (adapted from Kemmis and McTaggart cited in Koshy, 2007)
3.4.1   Planning
The research will use the Classroom Action Research (CAR), it will be done in two cycles, they were cycle 1 and cycle 2. The step will be done in this research are:
a)      The researcher choosing the technique that will be used on her research. The researcher use to technique to do the research. It is audio lingual method.
b.)    Arranging lesson plan through a dialogue which using model (doll) and picture as the media in instructional for listening.
c.)    The researcher setting the criteria of success.
d.)   The researcher preparing the instrument.
3.4.2        Acting
In this steps the writer will be carry out instructional through model (doll and picture ) as the media in audio lingual method to increase the students ability in listening ability. The research will be done at class VIII of SMP N 1 Pekalongan. Related to the schedule in this class, the acting consist of two cycles, each cycle need two meeting and time allocation of each meeting is 2 X 40 minutes.
The scenario of the meeting are:
A. Exploration:
1)      The teacher enters the classroom and giving greeting to the students.
2)      The teacher gives explanation about the material
3)      The teacher gives example about the material through the model and picture
4)      The teacher ask to the students for listening the dialogue carefully
5)      The teacher repeat the dialogue
6)      The teacher ask the students to mention of the content of dialogue
7)      The students mention the content of the dialogue, after that
8)      The teacher ask the students to write the sentences which they heard.
9)      The teacher ask to the students for pronouncing the dialogue together.
B. Elaboration
1)  The second step is Elaboration. In this step the teacher asks to the student for making a pairs.
2)   Then, the teacher distributes the picture.
3)  Then, that pairs should listen what the teacher said based on the picture and they should write it down.
4)  After finish they will discuss the picture and the simple descriptive text.
5)  They should make example to expression of asking and giving opinion.
6)  The last the students should practice in front of the class by pairing.
C. Confirmation
1)  The last step is confirmation. In this case the teacher asks to the students     about the difficult materials and their comprehension about the material.
2)  Finally, the teacher gives the formative test after the activities in the cycle

3.4.3   Observing
The observing will be done to take data about the students and the teacher activity. It will be done by observer in instructional in every cycle that related the schedule.
3.4.4   Reflecting
a)      The researcher does a pre-survey before do the research.
b)     The researcher assembling the data about the increasing the students listening ability by Doing observation, analyze the teaching and learning problems in listening subject especially in students’ listening ability.
c)      The researcher does an analysis and finding. This finding/analysis is used to analyze the result of pre activity of learning process. What is the findings and the cause that face the students’ listening ability?
d)     The researcher arranges the planning. She is choosing the technique, designing the lesson plans, setting the criteria of success, and preparing the instrument.
e)      The researcher does an observation. She is assembling the data about increasing the students listening ability.
f)       The researcher does a reflection by analyzing the collected data and determining whether or not the action is successful.
g)      The researcher revising the plan and go to the next cycle if at the first cycle is    not get the satisfactory result. The researcher stops the action and draws the conclusion if in the next cycle the researcher gets the satisfactory result.

3.5 Conceptual Definition and Operational Definition
3.5.1 Conceptual Definition of Listening Ability
The researcher concluded that listening ability is essential in the workplace, the family and the community at large. Careers in communications, management, planning, sales, and fund raising, to name a few, rely on good listening skills. Listening, however, is more than just being able to hear and understand what someone else says. Listening skills involve etiquette, asking for clarification, showing empathy and providing an appropriate response.

3.5.2 Conceptual Definition of Audio Lingual Method
The Audio-Lingual method is that language learning is a question of habit formation.  It has its origins in Skinner’s principles of behavior theory. Audio lingual method is a method that deals with a behaviorist theory that uses stimulus, response, and reinforcement.

3.5.3 Operational Definition of Listening Ability
The writer prepares the cassette, and then the student must hear it about short conversation and long conversation. After that they must answer the question.

3.5.4 Operational Definition of Audio Lingual Method
The writer prepares the material test. It is about short conversation. Then, the writer asks to the students to listen the conversation carefully. The students should complete the dialogue and answer the question based on the dialogue.
3.6         Research  Instruments
a)      Students listening ability is measured by doing the test about simple descriptive text and conversation
b)      Students’ listening ability is measured by giving the test to complete the dialogue (fill in the blank).
c)      Student listening ability is measured by giving the test in multiple choice forms about conversation and pictures.
3.6.1 Specification Table of Instrument  Specification table of Instrument for Listening Ability is test. It is about multiple choices. Contain of  10 items, they are 5 items based on the picture and 5 items based on conversation.
Aspect/ Material


The student are able to guess activities based    on the picture
The student are able to understanding aims from the picture.
The student are able to understand the long conversation of the speaker
The student are able to get the point of short conversation from the speaker

Cognitive C2

Picture 1,2,3, 4,

Short conversation
6,7,8,9,10 Specification table of Instrument for Audio Lingual Method

 It is contain of 10 items they are 10 for reading
Short dialogue

Cognitive 1C


The student are able to fill the  blank dialogue  that suitable
The student are hoped able to understand form of the short dialogue



3.7              Data Collecting Technique
1)      Listening Test ( completing dialogue and multiple choice form)
2)      Observe
3)      Interview
In this matter, interview is done to know the problem that face by the teacher and student in class during English learning process. And it’s to find about supporting data to get specific information, especially the problem in students listening ability. The researcher makes notes toward the interview result. 
In this research, the researcher can found the collect result through SPSS 16.0 program. The hypothesis is based on two sample the research variable has the quality personal and the sample just one. In this testing use Pier sample T Test. The default from Confidence Interval is 10%.
3.8    Data Analysis Technique
In analyzing the data, the researcher uses the descriptive quantitative research. The data is taken from the students’ listening ability by using audio lingual method. It means the researcher wants to analysis two variables, that is the students’ ability in listening ability through audio lingual method based on short conversation on descriptive text. The writer tells that listening ability as variable Y, and Audio Lingual method as X.


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Hornby, A.S. 1963. Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English. London: Oxford University Press.

Marzuki, et. Al. 2004. Statistik Terapan untuk Penelitian Ilmu-ilmu Sosial. Gajah Mada: University Press.

Meitasari(2009) entitled” The Correlation Between Vocabulary Mastery And Reading Ability Of The First Year Student’s Of Smp Xaverius I Bandar Lampung”.

Raroz, Ikraniari. (2009) entitled”The Correlation Between Student’s Vocabulary Mastery And Their Listening Achievement At Tenth Grade Of Man I Metro Academic Year 2009/2010. UM Metro: Unpublished Undergraduate Thesis

Kemmis and McTaggart cited in Koshy, 2007)
Setiyadi, Ag. Bambang. 2007. Materi pokok TEFL 2, Universitas Terbuka; Jakarta

Sudjana.(1986) Metode Statistik. Bandung: Tarsitu.

Wallace, Michael J. 1984. Teaching Vocabulary. Guilford: Bidles Ltd.

The test of listening ability
In this section the test, you will have the chance to show how well you understand spoken English. There are three parts of this section, with special directions for each part.
Part I
Direction :
For each question, you will see  picture in your test book and you will hear four short statements.
When you hear the four statement look at the picture in your test book and choose the statement that best describe what you see in the picture.
1.A12.FIELD02 3.Pantai19 4.163061


1.      a. He is a farmer
b. He is a constructor
c. He is a doctor
d. He is a lawyer

2.      a. There are many beautiful flowers
b. The large Lyly’s flower garden in south of America
c. There are many rose flowers
d. The beautiful place scenery

3.      a. I want to a beautiful bridge in London
b. A beautiful bridge in America
c. This Ampera Bridge in South Sumatra
d. This is the large Bridge in the world

4.      a. A bird is flying around of the flower
b. A bird is singing in the flower
c. A bird want to suck flower’s essence
d. There are two birds around of the flower

5.      a. The student from elementary school is visiting in Bedugul
b. The one of tourism place in Java
c. There are 4 students is taking a picture in Bedugul
d. Bedugul is one of The Great seven world

Part II
Direction : in this part of the test, you will hear short conversation. You are to choose that the best answer to each question and mark it on your answer sheet.

6. What is the woman job?
a. A director of the company
b. A telephone operator
c. A marketing manager
d. A cookery owner

7. What is wrong?
a. The report is missing
b. The memo is not put on the desk
c. The report and the memo are everywhere
d. The desk is outside the room

8. When will the woman go?
a. On Monday
b. On Weekends
c. On Tuesday
d. On Saturday

9. When will they watch the dolphin show?
a. At 10 am
b. At 2 pm
c. At 3 pm
d. Tomorrow afternoon

10. What will be ready on the following day?
a. The inventory
b. The store
c. The order
d. The food