Minggu, 13 Januari 2013

Slang of ‘ain’t, gonna, wanna, gotta’
Kita sering mendengarkan slang ain’t, gonna, wanna, dan gotta. Nah, ungkapan-ungkapan tersebut adalah slang alias bahasa pasaran, makanya mereka hanya dipakai dalam lagu atau percakapan informal. Kalau dalam situasi formal bagaimana? Waduuh, jangan deh! Ini hanya dipakai dalam situasi informal aja loh… Okay, let’s find out one by one.
Ain’t adalah kependekan dari am not, is not, are not, have not, dan has not.
1.       Baby sometimes love just ain’t enough / Baby sometimes love just is not enough.
2.      I ain’t going to tell you the truth / I am not going to tell you the truth.
3.      She ain’t kidding, she misses you so much / She is not kidding, she misses you so much.
4.      I ain’t seen you before / I have not seen you before.
Gonna merupakan kependekan dari going to yang berarti akan.
1.       I’m gonna call you next time / I’m going to call you next time.
2.      He’s gonna be your best friend / He’s going to be your best friend.
3.      They were gonna be watching TV / They were going to be watching TV at this time yesterday.
Wanna merupakan kependekan dari want to yang artinya ingin. Contohnya:
1.       I wanna go with you, honey / I want to go with you, honey.
2.      He wanna have a beautiful girl / He wants to have a beatiful girl.
3.      He wanna beautiful girl / He wants a beautiful girl.
4.      You wanna be my mom, right? / You want to be my mom, right?
Gotta merupakan kependekan dari got to yang artinya have to (harus). Misalnya:
1.       I’ve gotta have special dating with her / I have got to have special dating with her.
2.      She gotta tell me now / She got to tell me now.
3.      You’ve gotta make her happy / You have got to make her happy.
Nah, itu tadi penggunaan ain’t, wanna, gonna dan gotta. Mudah-mudahan jelas, ya? See you on the next lesson.
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