1.1 Problem Background
English is very important to learn, because it is an international
language. Therefore, it has a very crucial role in the world communication.
People tend to use it to communicate to another when communicating with other
nations, such as: when doing transaction (order or request), looking for a job,
or going a board. In general, communication can be divided into two forms, oral
and in writing.
In Indonesia there are not many students are interested to develop their
skill in communicating English. This case occurs everywhere. It means that the
educational institution has the problem about it. To create the comfortable
atmosphere in the class, a teacher needs some techniques in order that the
students enjoy learning English. Teacher also has to give students motivation
in order that they can be interested to study English.
Since the students are not self motivated or face difficulties in learning
English, an English teacher should create an effective language learning
situation, to make the students easy to understand teaching materials of the
foreign language. So, it is very important to apply or use the most appropriate
approaches in order to stimulate students’ interest to study the language. The
language curriculum is then modified from time to time for the best way in
teaching English as a foreign language.
Writing is one activity that the students do in almost of their assignment.
Through writing assignment, they can express their ideas, tell stories and give
information. So, they are hoped to be able to make a good writing. Writing
skill is considered as difficult thing to learn because it is more formal and
compact. Of the four of language skills, writing is more complicated for
students to master because it needs long process. It is started from pre
writing up to editing and it involves some kinds of writing skills or
abilities. Raimes in Masjamiah: (2000:25) states that many adult native
speakers of certain language and writing difficult. It is based on standard
form of grammar, syntax, structure, and vocabulary.
In writing students need to know the way of how to write well so that they
can produce a good composition. If students have no good ideas, they will get
bored and be not interested to write something. The truth is that there are
many students that still have low ability at writing. This can be seen on the
preliminary observation done by the researcher at SMPN 1
Rumbia. They only have rate score 36
while the minimum pass criterion is 65. The students’ writing achievement was very poor based on the criterion of
Depdiknas (2005:2).
The government of Indonesia through the Department of Education and Culture
implemented the 2006 English Curriculum (Based Competence Curriculum)
explicitly to teach English in the junior High School. It is then modified to
be KTSP which stands for Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan. In fact, KTSP
uses literacy approach. It is teaching learning cycles. It has two cycles.
There are spoken and written.
In KTSP, we can see there are kinds of texts that should be taught to
students of the second year of Junior High School. They are recount, narrative,
notice, announcement, and news item. In this research, researcher will take descriptive text as material to be taught at the second year student of SMPN 1 Rumbia
text is a text which describes a person, thing, place and certain condition in
particular. According to Oshima (2007:61) descriptive writing appeals to the
senses, so it tells how something looks, feels, smells, tastes, and/or sounds.
A good description is a word picture; the reader can imagine the object, place,
or person in his or her mind.
Nowadays, there are some techniques used in teaching writing English, one of
them is EGRA (Experience, Generalization, Reinforcement, and Application). By
using this technique, the students are given opportunity to find out the form
and function of the sentence by themselves. Brown (1994:351) says that it is
built more intrinsic motivation by allowing the students to discover rules
rather that being told them.
Every stage of EGRA has a particular objective. The objective of the
experience unconsciously learners to expose a particular structure item in use;
the objective of generalization is that learners better remember conclusion
about form and function, they make by themselves; the objective of the
reinforcement helps the learners to check or revise their generalization; and
the objective of the application uses or applies structure items learned in the
previous stage to communicate information or massages (Adrian, 1998).
Based on the
observation of the second year
students of SMPN 1 Rumbia, the researcher found that
the skill of students in writing especially in descriptive textis still low. We can see the mean score of the students in writing descriptive
textwas 36 score rate, this score
is categories as very poor level. It has been observed by the researcher. And
also the researcher find when it has been done in the class, the
researcher has not mastered the technique that appropiate in teaching writing
So, For this reason the researcher propose a research in writing entitle “INCREASING
1.2 Problem Identification
Based on the problem background
above, it can be identified the problems as follows:
1. Students
writing skill especially in descriptive text is still low.
2. The
researcher has not mastered the technique that appropiate in teaching writing
1.3 Problem Limitation
Based o the problems are identified
above, the problems are focused on: “Increasing Students’ Writing Skill on Descriptive
text Through EGRA Technique at The First Grade of SMPN 1 Rumbia Academic Year
1.4 Problem Formulation
Based on what have been stated in
the problem backgound above, the problem of studey can be formulated as
1. To what degree can EGRA technique increase the
students’ writing skill on descriptive text?
2. Do students face problems in writing skill on descriptive
3. Does the teacher face problems in teaching writing
skill on descriptive text?
Research Objective
on the problem formulation above, this research is able to describe:
1. To find out whether EGRA technique can increase the students’
writing skill on descriptive text.
2. To investigate whether students face problems in
writing skill on descriptive text.
3. To explore whether the teacher face problems in teaching
writing skill on descriptive text.
1.6 Research scope
scope of this research as follows:
The present study of the research is qualitative
research in term of action research.
The object
The object of the research is students’
writing skill on descriptive text.
The subject
The subject of research is all students of class VII F in SMPN 1 Rumbia
and the total number of the students are 30 students.
The place
The place of the research is in SMPN 1 Rumbia.
The time
The research will be held on January-February 2013.
1.7 Research Benefit
Based on the objective
of research above, the uses of this research are;
For students
can increase learning motivation so in the end of learning process, the
students get satisfaction.
For teacher
can improve the learning practice in class and increase the
teacher professionalism.
For the Other Researchers
can give inspiration in the same research but different context.
2.1 previous research overview
The researcher
takes two previous researches which are related to this study as follows:
The first previous research was
conducted by Sitti (2005:40) entitled “The Use of Direct Observation as a Mediator to Improve the Student’s
Ability in Writing Descritive Text”. The result of her research indicated that the student’s writing for experimental
group was higher than control group because they wrote descriptive paragraph
through direct observation.
The second previous research was
executed by Awaluddin (2006:37) entitled “Improving Writing Skill on the Second Year Students of SMP Negeri 1 Duampanua
Kabupaten Pinrang by Using Spider Web Technique”. It was concluded that the writing ability of the second year students of
SMP Negeri 1 Duampanua Kabupaten Pinrang could be improved after they were
taught by using Spider Web technique.
The differences between those two
above previous researches from this research are the techniques, procedures or process and the population of the
research. Sitti used direct observation as a mediator to improve the student’s
ability in writing descriptive and also used experimental and control class;
Awaluddin used Spider Web technique to improve writing ability of the second
year students of SMP Negeri 1 Duampanua Kabupaten Pinrang.
Based on the researches above, the researcher conclude that the students need many exercises to improve their English
skill especially writing. In this case the teachers are expected to give some
tasks about writing lesson. Indeed, there are some manners to develop that
written productive skill. Concerning with that, this research tried out the use
EGRA technique to teach descriptive text to improve writing ability. In this research, the researcher only used one
class: experimental class.
concept of Writing
a. Definition of writing
(1987:IV) expressed that writing enables the human being to communicate and
express their feeling and opinions, writing is a means of both communication
and self expression. In the other words, writing means producing or reproducing
message into written language. It involves an active process to organize and
formulate the ideas or feeling on the paper so that the reader can follow the
writer’s message. But we should know that writing requires an accurate and
practical grammar, appropriate word choices and spelling, and various
vocabularies as well.
As one of the language skills,
writing is used to express ideas in written form. In that moment, a writer will
be involved in the process of building the large unit of ideas from smaller
ones. Words will be linked to form sentence. Then, the sentence will be linked
to form a piece of paragraph which will be linked further to form a large unit
of writing that is a piece of composition.
Based on the explanation
above, researcher found that writing is an activity that students do to express
their ideas and opinion. The other is that this one of productive skills needs
an accurate and practical grammar, appropriate word choices and spelling, and
various vocabularies so that a good writing can be formed. Students are
expected to be able to produce a good writing like that. But the problem is
that they consider that writing is too difficult because it is more formal and
b. The
Purpose of writing
Meyer (1992)
categorizes the purpose of writing into three categories, to persuade, to
inform, and to entertain.
1) To inform
The writer
generally explains or describes an idea, a process, an even, a belief, a
person, a place or thing to give information. The writer also gives the facts
and explains its causes.
2) To Persuade
A writer tries
to change the audience or behave differently. In this sense, the writer appeals
to the readers’ logic or emotion
3) To Entertain
The writer
gives some efforts to make the reader laughed, smiled, fascinated, surprised or
even angry.
Based on the
purposes that stated by Meyer above, the researcher concluded that the writing
that we make should inform something to its readers. In addition, the writing
is hoped that it can influence the reader’s mind. In this case, it can persuade
or entertain them.
c. The Reason
to Write
skills can be the ticket to better collage grades and greater academic
achievement. According to Hoirston (1986:62), writing is important for some
1) Writing is
a tool for discovery we stimulate our thought process by the act writing and
take into information and image we have our unconscious mind.
2) Writing
generates new ideas by helping us to make connection and relationship
3) Writing
helps us to recognize our ideas. We can arrange them in coherent form
4) Writing
helps us to absorb and process information, when we write a topic, we learn it
5) Writing
enable us to solve the problems, by putting the element of them into written
form, we can examine and manipulate them.
6) Writing
on a subject make us active learners rather than passive learners of
Concerning with the reason for
writing above, the researcher found out that writing is considered as one way
to express ideas, feeling, information and hopes. Also in certain cases, it can
guide us to be more active in solving our problems through examining and
manipulating them.
d. Elements
of writing
Jacob et ala
in Ridwan (2004) points out five significant components in writing. They are
content, organization, vocabulary, language use and mechanics.
1). Content
component of the writing should be clear to readers, so that the readers can
understand the messages conveyed and gain information from it. In order to have
a good content of writing, its content should be well unified and completed.
The term usually known as unity and completeness, which become the
characteristics of the good writing.
many people in writing don’t have any attention about what they write.
Therefore, the content does not have any correlation between one paragraph and
the other one. Content is a basic one in writing because it must be the same
with the theme.
2). Organization
The process
of organization material in writing involves coherence, order or importance,
general to specific to general, chronological order and spatial pattern.
a) Coherence. Coherence means sticking
together, and in a coherent essay, all the ideas stick together. A coherent
paragraph is one in which the ideas are part in the right order is never
confused. This makes the writer’s thought easy to follow from sentence and
b) Order of
importance, one of the most useful ways of arranging ideas in a paragraph, in
their order of importance. Technically speaking, such a paragraph can be
arranged into two ways, beginning with the important, or by beginning with the
least important and building to least important
c) General
to specific. The general to specific, pattern is the most common type of
paragraph order. The arrangement begins with topic sentence that makes a
general statement followed by a series of supporting sentence which supply
specific: details, example, and facts.
d) Specific
to general. In the specific to general pattern usually presents a series of
individual, specific fact, details, impression or observation, and ends with
generalization or conclusion, usually the topic sentence.
Chronological order. In paragraph organized chronologically, events and details
are arranged in the order in which they occurred, usually moving from the first
and earliest to the last or latest. Not paragraph arranged chronologically tell
stories. Some give directions or explained a process; others summarize
historical events, and still other report on the steps or action taken by an
individual or organization. Nevertheless, they all share an underlying similarity,
they present their ideas in their order in which they happened.
f) Spatial
order. If the purpose of the paragraph is to tell how something looks, the most
effective organization pattern is usually spatial. If we write a description of
neighborhood, a room or a building, we want the readers to have a mental
picture of what we are describing. In describing a house or building, we would
probably first describe the exterior and the interior. By moving systematically
rather than haphazardly over the science, we convey the viewers the overall
plan or arrangement of the science.
The purpose
of organization material in writing coherence, order of importance, general to
specific, specific to general, chronological order and spatial order of
pattern. When writing, the learner should arrange their writing
chronologically. They should present their ideas based in the order of which
happened from the beginning to the end.
3). Vocabulary
Good writing
always depends on the effective use of words. In personal description, word
play a duel role to communicate and to evoke, to let the readers to perceive
and feel. This two-fold purpose is evident even in such a practical and common
form of writing as an advertisement
use of words also deals with connotative or figurative language. They are all
important nearly all forms of writing, but particularly in personal
description. In such description, word rich in association are more effective
than those that mainly transmit information
The effective use of words
will always result good writing both specific and technical writing. In this
case, the dictionary is very considerate. Vocabulary is very considerable,
vocabulary is one of the components of writing. To express ideas we always deal
with vocabulary. The lack of vocabulary makes it difficult to express ideas.
4). Language use
Language use
writing involves correct usage and points of grammar. There are many points of
grammar, such as verbs, nouns and agreement. Specific nouns and strong verbs
give a reader a mental image of description. These specific nouns can be
characterized by using modifier of adjectives, adverbs, and participle forms. A
modifier can be a phrase.
5). Mechanics
The use of
mechanics is due to the capitalization, punctuation, and spelling appropriately.
This aspect is very important since it leads reader to understand to recognize
immediately what the writer means to express definitely. The use of favorable
mechanics in writing will make readers easy to understand the conveying ideas
or the messages stated in the writing
6) Capitalization
The use of
capitalization in writing can clarify the ideas. If the sentence are not
capitalized correctly, ambiguous meaning and misunderstanding will appear. It
also helps to differentiate one sentence to others.
7) Punctuation
can help readers to identify should be taken as a unit of meaning and suggest
how the units of it relate to each other.
8) Spelling
There are important rules
followed in using spelling appropriately. There are suffixes addition, plural
formation, and handling error within the words.
From the explanation above,
the researcher considered that the elements of writing are very important in
constructing our ideas in our writing. Elements of writing can be references
until the students can write well.
e. Process
1). Planning
(Pre- writing)
Pre- writing
is any activity in the classroom that encourages students to write. It
stimulates thoughts for getting started. In fact, it moves students away from
having to face a blank page toward generating tentative ideas and gathering
information for writing. The following activities provide the learning
experiences for students at this stage:
2) Drafting
sufficient ideas are gathered at the planning stage, the first attempt at writing-
that is drafting- may proceed quickly. At the drafting stage, the writers are
focused on the fluency of writing and are not preoccupied with grammatical
accuracy or the neatness of the draft. One dimension of good writing is the
writer’s ability to visualize an audience. Although writing in the classroom is
most always for the teacher, the students may also be encouraged to write for
different audiences, among whom are peers, other classmates, pen- friend and
family members. A conscious sense of audience can dictate a certain style to be
used. Students should also have in mind a central idea that they want to
communicate to the audience in order to give direction to their writing.
Depending on
the genre of writing (descriptive, narrative,
expository or argumentative), an introduction to the subject of writing may be
a startling statement to arrest the reader’s attention, a short summary of the
rest of the writing, an apt quotation, a provocative question, a general
statement, an analogy, a statement of purpose, and so on. Such a strategy may
provide the lead at the drafting stage. Once a start is made, the writing task
is simplified as the writers let go and disappear into the act of writing (D’
Aoust, 1986,p. 7).
3) Revising
When students revise, they review
their texts on the basis of the feedback given in the responding stage. They
reexamine what was written to see how effectively they have communicated their
meanings to the reader. Revising is not merely checking for language errors
(i.e., editing). It is done to improve global content and the organization of
ideas so that the writer’s intent is made clearer to the reader.
To ensure that writing does not mean recopying,
Back (1986. p 149) suggests that the teacher collect and keep the students’
drafts and ask them rewrites. When the students are forced to act without their
original drafts, they become more familiar with their purposes and their unique
messages. The writers move more ably within their topic, and their writing
develops tones of confidence and authority.
Another activity for revising may have the students working in pairs to
read aloud each other’s draft before they revise. As students listen intently
to their own writing, they are brought to a more conscious level of rethinking
and reseeding what they have written. Meanings which are vague become more
apparent when the writers actually hear their own text read out to them.
Revision often becomes more voluntary and motivating. An alternative to this
would be to have individual students read their own text into a tape recorder
and take a dictation of their own writing later. Students can replay the tape
as often as necessary and active the pause button at points where they need to
make productive revision of their text.
4) Editing
At this stage, students are
engaged in tidying up their texts as they prepare the final draft for
evaluation by the teacher. They edit their own or their peer’s work for
grammar, spelling, punctuation, diction, sentence structure and accuracy of
supportive textual material such as quotations, examples and the like. Formal
editing is deferred till this phase in order that its application can not
disrupt the free flow of ideas during the drafting and revising stages.
The students are, however, not
always expected to know where and how to correct every error, but editing to
the best of their ability should be done as a matter of course, prior to
submitting their work for evaluation each time. Editing within process writing
is meaningful because students can see the connection between such an exercise
and their own writing in that correction is not done for its own sake but as
part of the process of making communication as clear and unambiguous as
possible to an audience.
In evaluating students
writing, the scoring may be analytical (i.e., based on specific aspects of
writing ability) or holistic (i.e., based on a global interpretation of the
effectiveness of that piece of writing).in order to be effective, the criteria
for evaluation should be made known students in advance. They should include
overall interpretation of the task, sense of audience, relevance, development
and organization of ideas. Format or layout, grammar and structure, spelling
and punctuation, range and appropriateness of vocabulary and clarity of
communication are depending on the purpose of evaluation a numerical score or
grade may be assigned
Students may be encouraged to
evaluate their own and each other’s texts once they have been properly taught
how to do it. In this way, they are made to be more responsible for their own
6) Post -
Post- writing constitutes any
classroom activity that the teachers can do with the completed pieces of
writing. This includes publishing, sharing, reading aloud, transforming texts
for stage performances, or merely displaying texts on notice- boards. The post-
writing stage is a platform for recognizing students’ work as important and
worth while. It may be used as a motivation for writing as well as to hedge
against students finding excuses for not writing. Students must be made to feel
that they are writing for a very real purpose.
Dealing with the process of
writing as revealed above, the researcher wants to make it sure that running
all the steps of the EGRA technique in writing process will lead us to have a
good writing.
2.2.2 Concept of descriptive Text
Definition of Descriptive Text
are many types of writing form, such as descriptive argumentative, narrative,
report, recount, procedure, and etc. in argumentative the writer argue about
her opinion or same ideas with the writer. Whereas is descriptive, the writers
tells and describe about specific things or people. Descriptive text is a text
which describes a person, thing, place and certain condition in particular. According
to Oshima (2007:61) descriptive writing appeals to the senses, so it tells how
something looks, feels, smells, tastes, and/or sounds. A good description is a
word picture; the reader can imagine the object, place, or person in his or her
descriptive usually follows a pattern of organization that we call spatial
order. Spatial order is the arrangement of things in space. For example: when
describing your favorite room in your home, you could first describe things on
the left side of the doorway and than move clockwise around to the right side.
You could also star from the right and move clockwise around to the left.
It generic structure consists of the
identification that identifies the
phenomenon and the description that describe the parts, the qualities, and the
characteristic of the phenomenon. The language features is focused on specific
participant and using simple present tense.
According to Oshima (2007:63) the topic
sentence of a descriptive text should name a topic. The controlling idea should
give the overall impression of the place you are describing. Meeanwhile,
supporting sentence are the “meat” of a paragraph. They not only provide the
details that prove the truth of your topic sentence, but they also make your
writing rich and interesting. In descriptive text, the more detail you include,
the more clearly your reader will imagine what you are describing.
It can be concluded that good
descriptive can make the reader see, hear, feel, or partake in the happening
which the writer describes. So, if we want to write a descriptive text, we must
describe an object clearly in order to make the readers can see an object in
his mind as clear as possible.
concept of EGRA Technique
1. What is EGRA Technique?
In oxford Advanced Learner’s
Dictionary of current English states that technique is method of doing
something expertly. Richards (1968:15) states that technique is implementation
that which actually take place in a classroom. It is a particular trick,
stratagem, or contrivance used to accomplishing an immediate objective.
Further, Brown (1994:51) says that technique is any of a wide variety of
exercises, activities, or devices used in the language classroom for realizing
lesson objectives.
In learning and teaching
process, teacher must master some certain techniques. A variety of techniques
will at least partially ensure that a maximum of students will be “reach”,
Brown (1994:21). The techniques also determine when there the process of
transferring knowledge is effective and efficient or not. The technique, which
will be used, must be suitable with the material will be taught in order to get
good result.
EGRA stands for E, which is
experience; G is generalization; R is reinforcement, and A is application. The
following is the brief explanation each stage of EGRA technique.
Experience is a learning stage
where students are subconsciously expose to the meaningful use of particular
structure item. It is also effective for presenting previously taught
structures, which have some functions.
This learning experience makes
the students more active from the beginning of the teaching process where they
will come into a great discovery. Wernon (1980) states that activity involving
direct experience is highly inquiry oriented. The student here is an active
participant rather than the passive observer of the teacher. The experience in
this research refers to guiding the students to learn every element of writing
for example, content organization and the structure used in writing and so on.
In this stage the students are
led through tasks to discover form, meaning and function of a structure they
have been exposed to. The rational for the generalization is the learner better
remember conclusion about the form and function(s) they make for themselves.
Harmer (1991:113) says that the best way to ensure learning was for the
students to work out the rule himself.
Ramirez (1995:22) says that
this stage focus on grammatical items themselves. The objective here is to move
away from the context and concentrates on the rules govern the various aspects
of the structure.
The teacher will not tell the
students about the form, meaning, and function of the sentence but let them
find out by themselves. Krashen (1987:62) states that learning is facilitated
if the learners discovers or creates rather than remember and repeats what is
to be learned.
The generalization is the
central of EGRA technique where students are expected to make a discovery of
language structure. Rivers (1968:77) says that generalization become more
comprehensive as the students advanced in knowledge of language and is able to
recognize characteristics feature of the language structure.
In this step the teacher will
guide through leading questions to find out the generic structure of the text,
for example, the form, meaning, and function of the sentence. Learning
experience, which the students have gained, will facilitate them in the
discovery process, which becomes the main purpose of the generalization.
Reinforcement is a learning
stage where students are provided with correct and conscious knowledge of the
form, and functions of the structure item that they have been exposed to. The
objective of this stage is to help learners to check or revise their
generalization that students should have corrected and consciousness of the
form and function of a certain structure item.
In this step, the teacher
explains again what the students have discovered so that they get
reinforcement. Alexander (1980: XXI) says that the aim behind all explanation
should be to reinforce theoretically what the students has already practiced.
After the students have got
self confidence through teacher’s reinforcement or explanation, they will do
task again. Thomas (1984:81) says that reinforcement practices also tend to
help individual focus on special activities. In other words, reinforcement
sharpens the individual’s attention or concentration for the second task.
Giving full attention to the
classroom situation is also very important for the teacher in order to get
effectiveness of using reinforcement in learning and teaching process (Grasha
1978:82). Furthermore Kenneth (1976:82) says that reinforcement occupies a
central and crucial role in the behaviorist learning strategy.
It is stated above that the
real form or example of this reinforcement stage is that the researcher gave
more tasks to the students so that what they have learned before can again be
sharpened. This can make them better understand the material.
Application is learning stage
where students are given opportunities to use or apply the structure item that
they have learned in communication either receptively or productively.
Kenneth (1976:83) says that
the objective of the application is to determine whether the students know how
to apply grammatical forms that have previously been presented. Rivers
(1968:376) states that a period for the practical application of what has been
learnt may involve reading a passage for which previous has prepared the class;
it may be a necessity for some forms of writing exercises, or it may take the
form of a dramatization in front of the class.
From the statement above, it
is clear that language, which has been taught, must be applied in its situation.
This step also mirrors about the importance of the application in learning and
teaching process, especially in teaching English structure. This is the moment
of truth where they can compose descriptive textby themselves well.
Based on the explanation of
EGRA above, the researcher thinks that every step of EGRA which stands for
Experience, Generalization, Reinforcement, and Application will lead the
students to be better at writing skill.
Thinking Framework
Teaching technique is very
important in teaching English. A teacher who masters a lot of particular
teaching techniques can teach well. Brown (1994:21) says that a variety of
technique in teaching will at least partially ensure that a maximum of students
will be “reached”. A good
teaching technique can arouse the student’s interest in learning English
language and also can facilitate the students to understand the material.
The three variables input,
process and output briefly committed as follows:
Input refers
to recount text, how introduce descriptive text to the students. In this input engage teacher, students and recount text. The teachers as a
guide in teaching and guiding the students in writing in the class and also
give motivation to the students in increasing and increase their interest in writing subject; The Students as a receiver
of the lesson in increasing their writing ability in teaching descriptive text through EGRA technique.
Process: It
refers to the implementation of the input variable in the classroom; in this
case, the students were taught by using the input variable and refer to applied
in building up the students’ mastery writing. Using EGRA, on the other hand
treats an experimental group is treated by verbal explanation. In applying the
EGRA technique, the researcher, first of all, exposed the teaching material, in
this case, the recount texts; and in this phase, the students unconsciously comes the Experience of this technique. After exposing what the descriptive text looks like and how to compose it, the researcher then guided them to make
the Generalization of what they have been exposed to. In the reinforcement
stage, the researcher gave them more tasks so that they could sharpen their
understanding about the material that had been given. In the Application step,
the researcher asked them to create by themselves the real recount text.
Actually in the reinforcement stage this had been applied; but this is then
considered as the real work that the students feel much more convinced with
after leading all the previous stages of the EGRA technique.
3. Output: the output is the students’ ability of writing in composing recount
Hypothesis is
temporary answer for research object which the truth must be tested
empirically. Hypothesis states a kind of relationship on what we are looking
for or studying, so hypothesis can be a statement temporarily as the truth as
in reality.
those ideas, the hypotheses from this proposal are:
EGRA technique can increase students’ writing skill on
descriptive text.
Students face problems in writing skill on descriptive
The teacher face problems in teaching writing skill on
descriptive text.
Research Design
The researcher
uses Classroom Action Research (CAR) in his research. It is caused the
researcher wants to increase their speaking skill and participation in the
learning process. So Classroom Action Research (CAR) is the ideal Strategy to
know the process of the class.
According to
Artikunto (2006) Classroom Action Research is an observation of learning
process such as an action which arise in the class. (Watts, 1985) Action research is a process in which participants
examine their own educational practice systematically and carefully, nusing the
techniques of research. It is based on the following assumptions:
Teachers and
principals work best on problems they have identified for themselves.
Teachers and
principals become more effective when encouraged to examine and assess their
own work and then consider ways of working differently.
Teachers and
principals help each other by working collaboratively.
Working with
colleagues helps teachers and principals in their professional development
From the opinion above so Classroom Action Research
is the action research that done in the class with goal to improve or increase
the quality of learning. In this research, the researcher acts as a planner,
implementer and also the writer of this report in this research. In this
research, collaborator is as someone who helps researcher collect data of
research and plans the improvement to every meeting that will be done. The main
task of collaborator us as process observer when action us done. Classroom
Action Research consists of series of four activities that done in cycle. The
four activities in each sickle are planning, action, observation and
reflection. The procedure of Classroom Action Research is as follows;
The procedure of Classroom Action Research

![]() |
Picture 3.1
By that cycles, the researcher will do
the learning process based on cycle’s step. In planning the researcher will
prepare all of the administration and the material. And the focus of the
process is in acting that students will be a subject of this process. In this research, the teacher
will be observator when the acting is doing. In the final, the researcher will
do reflection to know what the weakness in this cycle. If the reseacher find
it, it will be repaired in the next cycle.
In the second cycle is not to different
from the first cycle. The researcher
will do the final cycle in this cycle if in this cycle increases from the cycle
1. From the picture above can be expressed the description of the Classroom
starting from the first cycle by following steps:
In this phase, the researcher makes a
series of planning as follows:
1. Preparing
Lesson Plan and Syllabus
2. Deciding
the object of material (descriptive text) and the technique is EGRA technique
3. Developing
the learning scenario
4. Preparing
the source of learning
5. Preparing
the scoring material that will be used to measure the result of treatment
6. Preparing
the instrument of observation and
evaluation to analysis the indicators of the success
7. Arranging
the instrument of data collector.
In this phase, the researcher will apply
the planning of strategy and scenario learning as follows;
1. Giving
topic of the material about descriptive textto students.
2. Applying
EGRA technique to the teaching learning proccess.
3. Asking
the student to make a group. Every group consists of 2 students. Then ask them
to choose one of the topics then make a writing descriptive textbased on the
topic which is they choosen.
4. Giving
score of student’s writing and observe the problem faced in class. So, it can
be references to improve the action in next meeting.
5. Giving
guide and task to the student for next meeting.
In this observation, the researcher observed the
student’s activity in teaching learning process and record by using note. The
result of observation will be used in doing action in next cycle. Focus of
observation is the student activity in doing activity and teacher performance.
So in this research, the researcher has two roles as observer and as the object
of research.
In this phase the researcher and
collaborator investigated all action that happened in learning process. Based
on the data has been collected furthermore do evaluation to perfect next
action. The reflection included analysis, synthesis and evaluation to result of
observation toward action that done. If the researcher met problems in
reflection process so it will be done process investigation. The reflection
would be stopped when he students had increased their scores. However, if the students
have not got increasing of the target the next cycle will be done until they
get increasing in their score.
e. Revised planning
The researcher discuss the research this observation
has been done. In order to show the data from the result has been collected.
Based on the result of the evaluation, the researcher hope to get the finding
toward the technique of English to increase students’ achievement in writing
skill on descriptive textthrough EGRA technique, the problem had found as on
input or the next action to get the best result.
Cycle 2
In this phase, the researcher makes a series of
planning as follows:
Revise Lesson Plan and Syllabus.
Decide the object of material
(descriptive text) and the technique is
Develope the learning scenario.
Revise the source of learning.
Revise the scoring material that will be
used to measure the result of
Revise the instrument of observation and evaluation to analysis the
of the success.
Arrange the instrument of data
Add new media.
In this phase, the researcher will apply the
planning of strategy and scenario learning as follows;
1. Giving
topic of the material about descriptive text to students.
2. Applying
EGRA technique to the teaching learning proccess.
3. Asking
the student to make a group. Every group consists of 2 students. Then ask them
to choose one of the topics then make a writing descriptive text based on the
topic which is they choosen.
4. Giving
score of student’s writing and observe the problem faced in class. So, it can
be references to improve the action in next meeting.
5. Giving
guide and task to the student for next meeting.
In this observation, the researcher observed the
student’s activity in teaching learning process and record by using note. The
result of observation will be used in doing action in next cycle. Focus of
observation is the student activity in doing activity and teacher performance.
So in this research, the researcher has two roles as observer and as the object
of research.
In this phase the researcher and collaborator
investigated all action that happened in learning process. Based on the data
has been collected furthermore do evaluation to fix next cycle. The reflection
included analysis, synthesis and evaluation to result of observation toward
action that done. It is done to see what the problem is in the cycles before is
fixed. If the researcher met problems in
reflection process so it will be done process investigation. The reflection
would be stopped when he students had increased their scores. However, if the students
have not got increasing of the target the next cycle will be done until they
get increasing in their score.
3.2 Research Variable
This research applies two kind of variables, namely
independent and dependent variable as follows:
The independent variable is writing skill on descriptive
The dependent variable is EGRA technique.
3.3 Research Subject
Class VII F is choosen as a subject of the research
since the students of this class have the lowest score in writing after
comparing to all classes. The class consist of 30 students.
get the data, the researcher uses some instruments as Arikunto (2009:101)
“Instruments is the tools selected and used by the researcher in their
activities to collect the data so that these activities became systematic and
easier for them”. The instruments of this research are writing test and observation.
having valid data, researcher used some instruments, those are;
3.4.1 The Test Pre-Test
In collecting data researcher will use
the following tests. Pre test is given before treatments. It is writing test,
because it examines the material taught in the class. This test will be given
in order to know how far the students ability in writing .
The test is written test. The students
must write a descriptive textbased on the themes which has been given by the
teacher for 30 minutes. And then the researcher will give score by using
scoring rubric namely writing scoring rubric.
Each Cycle Test
After giving treatment in cycle one that
consists of two sessions, a cycle one test will be given. The test is the same
as the pre test, the result of cycle one will be guided to decide treatment for
next cycle. The test is written test. The students must write a descriptive
textbased on the themes which has been given by the teacher for 30 minutes. And
then the researcher will give score by using scoring rubric. The test will be
given by the teacher.
The result of cycle two will determine whether
next cycle will be taken or not. If it shows great improvement, the treatment
will be stoped at the second cycle. If it does not, tne next cycle will be
Observation is
monitoring with systematic phenomenon which us investigated. In other words,
the researcher observes the teaching learning process and drawing conclusion of
whatever happens in teaching-learning process using writing recount text.
The observation focused on
the students’ and teacher’s activity in learning writing skill on descriptive
textthrough EGRA technique. The researcher wants to know how is the respond of
the students toward and technique that used by the teacher whether the technique
is interesting or not and whether it can help.
Validity and Reliability Instrument
3.5.1 Validity
According to Bailey (1994;62) qualitative attributes have labels or name
rather than numbers, assigned to their respective categories. The test has
content validity if it measures knowledge of the content domain of which it was
designed to measure knowledge. Another way of saying this is that the content
validity concerns, primarily, the adequacy with which the test items adequately
and representatively sample the content area to be measured. Content validity
is primarily an issue for educational test. In addition, Selltiz in Bailey
(1994;67) states that the validity of measuring instrument may be defined as
the extent to which differences in score on it reflect true differences among
individuals on the characteristic that we seek to measure, rather than constant
or random errors.
So, in the distribution of writing validity test, the researcher finds that
all of the components of writing become the important part to be measured. It
has been valid by the validators. It can be seemed in appendix validation
sheet. Therefore, the instruments of writing test can be used to take the
research data.
3.5.2 Reliability
According to Bailey (1994;72) states that the reliability of a measure is
simply is consistency. A measure is reliable if the measurement does not change
when the concept being measured remains constant in value. So, if the
instrument does not change it is automatically reliable.
3.6 Data Collecting Technique
In collecting data, the researcher will apply some techniques to
find out of research data, it can be researcher to apply the research
instrument as follow:
Writing Test Instrument
In this part, the researcher divides the test into two steps:
1. Pre Test
preliminary test administered to determine a student’s base line knowledge or preparedness
for an educational experience or course of study. This step will do before
presenting the treatment to know how far the student’s writing skill firstly.
2. Post Test
This test
will be given after a lesson or a period of instruction to determine what the
students have learned, and to know the effectiveness of the technique which
have used. After giving the treatment, the researcher will present the post
test and asks the students for answering the test based on the treatment have
been given by the researcher. The students do the writing test on recount text.
Observation Research
In order to make qualitative data the teacher and the students activities
or situation and condition of class during teaching learning process are
observed. Evaluation and make note in observation, the researcher knows the
advantages and disadvantages of using EGRA technique on writing descriptive
3.7 Data Analysis Technique
Qualitative Data
The data analysis technique which is used in this research is interactive
model technique. Miles and Huberman (1994;12) define analysis as consisting of
three current flows of activity: data reduction, data display, and conclusion
drawing/verification. It is worked by interactive form and data collecting proccess
as a cycle.
Data reduction
Data reductin refers to the proccess of selecting, focusing, simplifying,
abstracting, and transforming the data that appear in written-up field notes or
transcription. It occurs continously throughout the life of qualitatively
oriented project. The data reduction/transforming proccess is continuous after
fieldwork, until a final report is completed. Not only do the data need to be
condensed for the sake of manageability, but also have to be transformed so
they can be made intelligible in terms of the issues being addressed.
Data display
A display is an organized, compressed, assembly of information that
permits conclusion drawing and action. A display can be an extended piece of
text or a diagram, chart, or matrix that provides a new way of arrranging and
thinking about the more textually embedded data. Data display, whether in the
word or diagrammatic form, allow the analyst to extrapolate from the data
enough to begin to discern systematic patterns and irrelationships. At the
display stage, additional, higher order categories or themes may emerge from
the data that go beyond those first dicovered during the initial proccess of
data reduction.
Conclusion drawing involves stepping back to consider what the anaalyzed
data mean and to asses their implications for the questions at hand.
Verification, integrally linked to conclusion drawing, entails revisiting the
data as many times as necessary to cross-check or verify these emergent conclusions.
The meanings emerging from the data have to be tested for their plausibility,
their sturdiness, their conformability that is their validity.
3.8 Criteria Success of
The criteria of the success for this research are focused on two aspect. The
aspect is taken from the process and the result of instructional. The first,
the increasing process of intructional is seen in the activity of teacher who
was proficient in teaching and managing the class. Meanwhile, the students’
participation involvement level in teaching and learning process are called
success if they fulfil the criteria of success. The students are categorized as
success if they could write very well and 75% of them got mark 65 is the
minimum criteria of passing grade.
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Cycle 1
School : SMP N 1 Rumbia
: 2
: English
Skill : Writing

Expressing meanings of ideas in functional texts, poems and simple short essays used
in descriptive and procedure
to communicate with the nearest environment and/or academic context.

meaning in simple short functional essay in descriptive texts accurately, systematically, and implicitly to
communicate with the nearest environment and academic contexts.
![]() |
Culture Value and
Nation Character
§ Indentifying
the generic structure of descriptive text.
§ Writing
the descriptive text.
Religious, honest, tolerance, discipline, hard work, self governing,
democratic, curiosity, nationality enthusiasm, love homeland, appreciate
achievement, friendly, love peace, enjoying a lot reading, care with
environment, social care, responsibility.
§ Confidence
§ Persistent
§ Risk
§ Future

Upon completion of the learning
1. By
giving the test students are able to indentify the generic structure of
descriptive text accurately.
2. By
giving the test students are able to write the descriptive text accurately.

is a text which describes a person, thing, place and certain condition in
¨ It
generic structure consists of the identification
that identifies the phenomenon and the description
that describe the parts, the qualities, and the characteristic of the
¨ The
language features is focused on specific participant and using simple present
The example of descriptive text
African Elephant is the largest living land mammal.It is One of the most
impressive animals on earth that I have ever seen.
elephant's tusks are long, curved teeth. Elephants have small eyes and a
short neck. The tail is small compared to the rest of the body and measures
about 3 1/3 feet long with long hairs at the end. Elephant thick skin is gray
and wrinkled. The African elephant has dark gray skin.
Elephant's muscular trunk serves as a nose, hand, extra foot, signaling
device and a tool for gathering food, siphoning water, dusting, digging and a
variety of other functions. The long trunk permits the elephant to reach as
high as 23 feet. It is capable of powerful twisting and coiling movements
used for tearing down trees or fighting.
trunk of the African elephant has two finger-like structures at its tip. The
tusks, another remarkable feature, are greatly elongated incisors (elephants
have no canine teeth).

EGRA Technique

Meeting 1
The teacher
greets the students.
- The teacher check the students’ attendance list
- The teacher gives brainstorming
Activity (60’)
· Give
the students text about descriptive and then asks them to read it for about 5
· Asks
the students about the content of the text
· The
teacher review about the descriptive text
· Mention
the goal of the learning
· Find
some verbs from the text
· Find
the verb 1 in the text
· Asks
the students to make a group. Each group consist of 2 students.
· Gives
some sentences which are taken from the text
· Guides
the students to find the structure of the sentences.
Provide reinforcement on
the generalization which
are made by
the students
the students to arrange the words into good sentences.
the students to complete the following sentences with suitable words.
- Elaboration
- Ask students to choose a word (which is provided in parentheses) corresponding text forming a good story and appreciated.
- Asks the students to submit the answer
- Confirmation
of increasing individual point at every students.
reward to a sudentwith high score.
Activity (10’)
· Together
the students make the conclusion from the material which are they learnt just
· Giving
task/ homework
· Close
the meeting

Media :
Source :
English Way

1. Instrument
a. Make
the example of descriptive text and give the generic structure!
Ø The answer key is based on
students’ creativity.
Ø Scoring System
and Mechanics
and Sentence Structure
Acknowledged by
Headmaster of SMPN 1 Rumbia,
NIP 196505509 198703 1 005
Rumbia, Januari 2013
SRN. 09340771

Cycle 2
School : SMP N 1 Rumbia
: 2
: English
Skill : Writing

Expressing meanings of ideas in functional texts, poems and simple short essays used
in descriptive and procedure
to communicate with the nearest environment and/or academic context.

meaning in simple short functional essay in descriptive texts accurately, systematically, and implicitly to
communicate with the nearest environment and academic contexts.
![]() |
1. Indentifying
the generic structure of descriptive text.
2. Writing
the descriptive text.

Upon completion of the learning
3. By
giving the test students are able to indentify the generic structure of
descriptive text accurately.
4. By
giving the test students are able to write the descriptive text accurately.

is a text which describes a person, thing, place and certain condition in
¨ It
generic structure consists of the identification
that identifies the phenomenon and the description
that describe the parts, the qualities, and the characteristic of the
¨ The
language features is focused on specific participant and using simple present
The example of descriptive text
The African Elephant
is the largest living land mammal.It is One of the most impressive animals on
earth that I have ever seen.
The elephant's tusks
are long, curved teeth. Elephants have small eyes and a short neck. The tail
is small compared to the rest of the body and measures about 3 1/3 feet long
with long hairs at the end. Elephant thick skin is gray and wrinkled. The
African elephant has dark gray skin.
The Elephant's
muscular trunk serves as a nose, hand, extra foot, signaling device and a
tool for gathering food, siphoning water, dusting, digging and a variety of
other functions. The long trunk permits the elephant to reach as high as 23
feet. It is capable of powerful twisting and coiling movements used for
tearing down trees or fighting.
The trunk of the
African elephant has two finger-like structures at its tip. The tusks,
another remarkable feature, are greatly elongated incisors (elephants have no
canine teeth).

EGRA Technique

Meeting 2
The teacher
greets the students.
- The teacher check the students’ attendance list
- The teacher gives brainstorming
Activity (60’)
· Give
the students text about descriptive and then asks them to read it for about 5
· Asks
the students about the content of the text
· The
teacher review about the descriptive text
· Mention
the goal of the learning
· Find
some verbs from the text
· Find
the verb 1 in the text
· Asks
the students to make a group. Each group consist of 2 students.
· Gives
some sentences which are taken from the text
· Guides
the students to find the structure of the sentences.
Provide reinforcement on
the generalization which
are made by
the students
the students to arrange the words into good sentences.
the students to complete the following sentences with suitable words.
- Elaboration
- Ask students to choose a word (which is provided in parentheses) corresponding text forming a good story and appreciated.
- Asks the students to submit the answer
- Confirmation
of increasing individual point at every students.
reward to a sudentwith high score.
Activity (10’)
· Together
the students make the conclusion from the material which are they learnt just
· Giving
task/ homework
· Close
the meeting

Media : model
Source :
English Way

2. Instrument
b. Make
the example of descriptive text and give the generic structure!
Ø The answer key is based on
students’ creativity.
Ø Scoring System
and Mechanics
and Sentence Structure
Acknowledged by
Headmaster of SMPN 1 Rumbia,
NIP 196505509 198703 1 005
Rumbia, Januari 2013
SRN. 09340771
Appendix 2
guide to the English teacher
1. How is
students’ response in receiving the material of descriptive text which is
communicated by English teacher?
2. What is the
problems which are faced by the students in learning English, especially in
making writing descriptive paragraph?
3. Is the
technique which is done by the teacher in teaching learning is good enough?
4. Is the media
which is used by the teacher in teaching learning English enough gratifying?
5. Is there any
obstacle faced by the teacher in teaching learning proccess in the class?
Appendix 3
Subject : Bahasa Inggris
Day/date :
Material : descriptive text
Aspect to be observed
The students pay attention to the teacher
The students ask question related to the topic
The students answer the question (oral and written)
The students do another activity such as; talk each
other, distrub their friend, or just keep silent
The students do the assignment
Appendix 4
kemampuan mengelola pembelajaran
Aspek yang diamati
Kemapuan membuka pelajaran
Menarik perhatian siswa kearah pokok pembahasan yang
Upaya memberi dukungan siswa atau motivasi.
Memberi acuan atau metode pembukaan yang membantu
minat siswa.
Ada hubungan yang jelas antara pembukaan dengan
bagian utama pelajaran bagi siswa.
Kemampuan bertanya
jelas mudah dimengerti siswa.
Membagi pertanyaan ke seluruh siswa secara acak.
Memberi waktu yang cukup kepada siswa untuk berpikir
sebelum menjawab.
Menuntun jawaban siswa agar dapat menemukan sendiri
jawaban yang benar.
Kemampuan mengadakan variasi
Memberi penekanan terhadap pokok-pokok penting
dengan melakukan isyarat(focusing).
Menggunakan bahasa yang mudah dipahami siswa.
Menggunakan media pembelajaran untuk menyampaikan
Mengadakan variasi partisipasi siswa (guru-kelompok,
guru-siswa, siswa-siswa).
Kemampuan menjelaskan
Penjelasan menarik dan mudah dimengerti siswa.
Menggunakan contoh dan ilustrasi.
Memberikan penekanan pada penjelasan kalimat yang
Menjelaskan jawaban siswa.
Kemampuan mengelola kelas
Tanggapan dan ketertiban siswa dalam tugas dikelas.
Menciptakan kondisi pembelajaran yang optimal.
Menegur siswa yang bertingkah laku mengganggu kelas.
Kemampauan memberi penguatan atau reinforcement
Memberi tanggapan atas jawaban siswa
(bagus,baik,benar sekali, bagus sekali).
Memberikan penghargaan yang berperilaku positif dan
memberi sanksi yang berperilaku negatif.
Memberi dukungan kepada siswa untuk berprestasi
dengan menggunakan isyarat.
Kemampuan menutup pelajaran
Metode mengakhiri pelajaran.
Membuat rangkuman atau kesimpulan.
Melakukan evaluasi sebagai umpan balik.
Memberi remidial sebagai tindak lanjut pembelajaran.
Rumbia, ..........................
SRN 09340771
![]() |
Subject :
Sub Matter :
Sub Sabject Matter :
Descriptive Text
Topic/ sub topic :
Class/semester :
Time allocation :
40 minutes
1. Choose one of
the topics below based on your want!
2. Make a
descriptive text based on the topic you choose!
3. Do in the
answer sheet given!
a. Animals
b. Favorit Person
c. Thing

![]() |
Subject :
Sub Matter :
Sub Sabject Matter :
Descriptive Text
Topic/ sub topic :
Class/semester :
Time allocation :
40 minutes
4. Choose one of
the topics below based on your want!
5. Make a
descriptive text based on the topic you choose!
6. Do in the
answer sheet given!
d. Animals
e. Favorit Person
f. Thing

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